Leit að gistiaðstöðu
Cottages, cabins, and condos—oh my! You can easily narrow your search using travel dates and filters to find an available listing with the amenities you want. Read the listings for more detail and pinpoint them on the map to check if they’d be a good fit for your trip. Here’s how you can get started with finding the place for you.
Search by destination
We have thousands of destinations for you to search through—whether you’re planning an island getaway or a business trip in a big city. Just type in the name of a city or search by a region to find places for your stay.
Use the map
The map is a quick way to review the listings in relation to areas of interest and find available places across multiple countries or regions. You can zoom in or move around the map to find additional listings that don’t appear at first.
Search by date range and trip duration
Find places for specific dates, or places that will be available for a certain number of days. Here are some options:
Specific or flexible dates
Got specific dates in mind? You can type them in to find places in your desired date range.
Feeling spontaneous? You can use the Flexible tab to search for weekend stays, weekly stays, or monthly stays to find places based on the length of time instead of specific dates.
Monthly stays
We’ve introduced a simpler and more flexible way to search for monthly stays. Choose the Months tab to add your start date and easily customize the length of your stay.
You can also use the Months tab to “dial in”’ the number of months for your stay. You’ll find average monthly rates instead of nightly rates and amenities ideal for longer stays. Remote working will also be highlighted in your search results.
Learn more about the benefits of monthly stays and how the payments work. We also have more info about living in a place you find on Airbnb instead of renting.
If you want to plan for a trip more than one year in advance, you’ll need to search for dates on Airbnb.com (desktop and mobile)—not the Airbnb app.
Search by who’s traveling
Some trips are just better with company. Add the number of adults, children, infants, and pets so you can find places that will allow everyone on your trip to come along.
Search by category
Bags are packed and not sure where to go? If you need inspiration, you can browse Airbnb Categories—collections based on a stay’s unique style, location, or proximity to an activity—to help find the stay (and style) that’s right for you. Guests can discover more flexible ways to travel—browsing millions of homes you never knew existed.
Want to stay in an architectural dream house (think Frank Lloyd Wright)? You can check out the Design category, a collection of over 20,000 homes chosen for their iconic structure and interiors. Want to stay among nature? You can browse the National Parks category to find homes near places like Zion National Park and the Grand Canyon. Find more about how categories work.
Search by neighborhood, landmark, or address
Search by points of interest: Search for different points of interest—such as a specific neighborhood, landmark, or street the same way you would for a city—by typing it into the Location field. (ex: “Sagrada Familia, Barcelona” or “Lombard Street, San Francisco”.) The results will show how far each listing is from your searched place. For example, if you search for the Eiffel Tower, the search result might indicate that a particular listing is a 5 minute walk from the Eiffel Tower.
You’ll also find neighborhoods and local points of interest identified on the map in your search results.
Learn more about the local area: Got a question about a place you have in mind? Message the Host. They might have even created a guidebook outlining their favorite spots to give you more local flavor—if so, you’ll find that on the listing, too.
Other helpful search features
Here are other search features to help you find places that suit you:
More filters: Want to narrow down your search even more? Learn about other ways to filter your search results (ex: by price, accessibility features, and more).
Wishlists: Finding a number of places you’d like to save? Save them to a wishlist so you can find them easily later and even share them with your friends.
Split stays: Want to split longer stays between two different homes? Try using split stays—a feature that pairs two consecutive stays for the span of their dates, so you can explore different homes, neighborhoods, or even different destinations, during your trip.
Autocomplete: When searching for a destination, get relevant place suggestions, improved place naming, and fewer duplicates.
Home highlights: If additional relevant information is available based on your search , it will show in the home highlights. For example, if you are traveling with an infant, the highlight may indicate that the Host offers relevant amenities such as a crib, high chair, and changing table.
Greinar um tengt efni
- Gestur
Tegundir gististaða
Gestgjafar á Airbnb bjóða upp á mikið úrval eigna. Þú getur bókað heila eign, sérherbergi, hótelherbergi og sameiginleg herbergi. Leitaðu eftir hverfi, kennileiti eða heimilisfangi
Þú getur leitað eftir hverfi, kennileiti og fleiru með því að skrifa í reitinn fyrir staðsetningu eða nota kortið.- Upplifunargestgjafi
Hvernig biðja gestir um að bóka annan dag eða tíma fyrir upplifunina mína?
Gestir geta óskað eftir að bóka upplifunina þína þótt tímasetningin sé ekki í boði á dagatalinu þínu. Gestir geta sent beiðni með því að haf…