Tillögur birtast þegar slegið er inn í leitarreitinn. Notaðu örvarnar upp og niður við yfirferð. Ýttu á „enter“ til að velja. Ef nokkur orð eru valin saman eru þau notuð sem leitarstrengur. Ef tillagan er hlekkur opnast sú síða í vafranum.

Viðurlög sem hafa áhrif á gestaumsjón í Donbas-héraðinu

Because of recent sanctions, reservations in the Donbas region of Ukraine are no longer available. This is a developing situation, and we’ll provide further guidance as we receive more information.

How this affects listings

Listings in the impacted region no longer show up in search results, and new listings cannot be created in the impacted region. Hosts can still access listing details like photos, past reservations, and their earnings under the earnings dashboard

Any listings a Host has outside the impacted region won’t be affected by the sanctions.

How this affects bookings

Reservations are no longer available in the region, so Hosts won’t receive new bookings for impacted listings.

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