Tillögur birtast þegar slegið er inn í leitarreitinn. Notaðu örvarnar upp og niður við yfirferð. Ýttu á „enter“ til að velja. Ef nokkur orð eru valin saman eru þau notuð sem leitarstrengur. Ef tillagan er hlekkur opnast sú síða í vafranum.

Að óska eftir endurgreiðslu

Do you need a refund? Your first step is to message your Host to make it right. If they can’t fix it, they can offer you a partial refund through the Resolution Center. Here’s how refunds work when things don’t go just as planned.

How you’ll get your money

Need to request a refund before or after a trip or Experience? First, discuss the amount with your Host in the message thread, and if they agree, go to the Resolution Center to request money. If they don’t agree to the amount within 72 hours, reach out to us for help mediating. 

Request a refund
How to refund requests of any amount in the Resolution Center.

Refunds for Experiences
Find details of what to do if you have a travel issue that prevents you from being able to complete an Airbnb Experience.

Canceling during your stay
Learn how the Rebooking and Refund Policy works, and how it can help cover situations when the listing or amenities are not what you expected.

How the Resolution Center helps you
Learn how the Resolution Center lets you request or send money for things related to your Airbnb trip.

When you’ll get your money 

Good news—if you’re eligible for a refund, you’ll get it automatically within 10 days. Maybe even sooner. We'll automatically send your refund as soon as you cancel, but your bank or credit card issuer may take longer to get it to you—it all depends on how you paid and where you live.

When you’ll get your refund
Find out when your refund arrives, and how it may take longer depending on your payment method and region.

Automatic refunds
Where and when to find your refund if you’re eligible.

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  • Gestur

    Óskaðu eftir endurgreiðslu

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  • Gestur

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