Tillögur birtast þegar slegið er inn í leitarreitinn. Notaðu örvarnar upp og niður við yfirferð. Ýttu á „enter“ til að velja. Ef nokkur orð eru valin saman eru þau notuð sem leitarstrengur. Ef tillagan er hlekkur opnast sú síða í vafranum.

Útivist: Ábendingar til gesta

With so many wonderful things to do, places to go, and people to meet, outdoor experiences offer you rare opportunities that may call for a level of preparedness beyond your everyday normal.

We've partnered with the Adventure Travel Trade Association, leaders in adventure travel, to provide safety recommendations to help you prepare for experiences that include outdoor activities.

Choose an experience that works for you

Get to know your Host. Read their bio, and check out the experience description, including the ‘Guest Requirements’ section, plus:

  • Be informed—feel free to message your Host and ask additional details
  • Be comfortable—make sure you’re ok with the health, fitness, skill or intensity levels described
  • Be ready to participate—let your Host know about any health concerns, such as food allergy or a heart condition

Before the experience

Beyond the itinerary, make sure you know what to expect before the day. You could ask:

  • What modes of travel are involved?
  • Is your Host providing any equipment?
  • What should you bring—food, water, clothes, insect repellent, or more specialized gear?
  • What’s the deal with transport, parking, and bathroom facilities?
  • What could the weather be like?
  • How challenging is the terrain?
  • Is there cell coverage?

Once you arrive

Your experience is about to start!

  • Understand the route well, and ask about back-up plans in case the planned route can’t be accessed
  • If the Host provided gear, make sure it’s in good condition, clean and dry, and fits you properly
  • Ask if there are any dangerous animals, plants, or places that you should keep an eye out for

Play it safe

Nothing ruins a good time like bad planning, so:

  • Make sure you’re clear about what happens if a guest is lost or injured
  • Ask if your Host has any medical training or certification
  • Talk about an emergency plan

Partner disclaimers

Adventure Travel Trade Association (ATTA): Courtesy of the Adventure Travel Trade Association. ©2021 Adventure Travel Trade Association. All rights reserved.

The Adventure Travel Trade Association (ATTA) name is used with its permission, which in no way constitutes an endorsement or vetting of, express or implied, of any product, service, person, company, opinion or political position. The ATTA does not select or approve, and is not involved in the selection or approval of, Airbnb Experiences or Hosts. For more information about the Adventure Travel Trade Association, visit adventuretravel.biz.

American Red Cross and the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC): Courtesy of the American Red Cross and International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. ©2021 The American National Red Cross. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

The American Red Cross and International Federation of the Red Cross Red Crescent name and emblem are used with its permission, which in no way constitutes an endorsement, express or implied, of any product, service, company, opinion or political position. The American Red Cross logo is a registered trademark owned by The American National Red Cross. For more information about the American Red Cross, visit redcross.org.

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