Hvernig bókanir ganga fyrir sig
Managing employee travel can be difficult, but it doesn’t have to be. Here’s where you can find important info—like how to navigate company reservations—so you and your team can focus on staying productive.
Booking travel
If your company is part of Airbnb for Work, Airbnb allows a trip planner to request a reservation on another employee’s behalf. If they book, the business traveler will receive a notification about the requested reservation and can accept or deny the request.
Booking trips for someone else
Learn about trip planners, and how they can book business trips on behalf of other people through Airbnb for Work.
How employees can book trips for colleagues
Find details about how designated employees can book trips for colleagues.
Booking your business travel
Get info on how to enroll in Airbnb for Work so a colleague can book trips for you.
Managing reservations
As an Airbnb for Work admin, you can monitor the status of bookings for employee work trips through the Airbnb for Work dashboard. You’ll be able to find out if any of these bookings require your attention, just in case you have to help resolve issues like Host cancellations and incomplete reservations.
Host cancellations and Airbnb for Work
What happens when a Host cancels your reservation, and how it affects you.
Identifying a reservation as a business trip
Where to select “Traveling for work” when booking a trip.
How messaging works when you use Airbnb for Work
Find out who can access messages in the message thread when someone books for you.
Greinar um tengt efni
- Ferðastjóri
Afbókanir gestgjafa og Airbnb vegna vinnu
Ef gestgjafinn afbókar sendum við viðskiptaferðamanninum tölvupóst. Ferðalangurinn getur endurbókað sjálfur eða fengið ferðastjóra til að en… Aðstoð með bókun
Ef þú þarft að fella niður bókun, uppfæra bókun eða átta þig á hvernig greiðslur ganga fyrir sig þá ertu á réttum stað.- Gestur
Bókun á ferð: Hvað skal gera ef þú hefur ekki gert þetta áður
Fáðu upplýsingar um bókunarferli Airbnb, hvernig bókun er staðfest, sértilboð beint frá gestgjafa og fleira.