Tillögur birtast þegar slegið er inn í leitarreitinn. Notaðu örvarnar upp og niður við yfirferð. Ýttu á „enter“ til að velja. Ef nokkur orð eru valin saman eru þau notuð sem leitarstrengur. Ef tillagan er hlekkur opnast sú síða í vafranum.

Hvernig afbóka ég upplifun?

Note: If you need to cancel your reservation because of the coronavirus (COVID-19), please review our article on options for cancellation.

Once you go through the cancellation process, you’ll be able to review the refund amount before you finalize the change.

To cancel an experience reservation:

  1. Go to Trips and click the reservation you’d like to cancel
  2. Click Change or cancel
  3. Click Next under Cancel my reservation
  4. Choose the reason for your cancellation, then click Continue
  5. [Optional] Add a message for the host, then click Continue
  6. Review the refund details, then click Cancel my reservation to finalize

Note: You’ll receive a message to confirm the cancellation. Refunds normally arrive within ten business days. Some payment methods and regions might take longer. Find out more.

Var þessi grein gagnleg?

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